

Clayton Benjamin





Student Device Agreement Form


As a part of the K-12 programming, students will be issued a device for their educational use.  Students will be encouraged to take this equipment home with them as needed.


I           Student Responsibilities


  1. Students are expected to use their device for educational purposes only.
  2. Students are not to share their device or account password.
  3. Students are to keep their device in the district assigned case at all times when not in use. If not, the student will be asked to exchange the device with a used one.
  4. Students are required to have their device fully charged before each school day.
  5. Students are to alert their teacher immediately if the device is malfunctioning.Students are not to reconfigure the device.
  6. All district rules apply even when using the device away from school.
  7. Students must be given permission to take pictures/video of other students/staff.Students may not post to social media without the consent of the individual.Please respect the privacy of others.


II          Parent/Guardian Expectations


The school asks for parent/guardian support in communicating proper electronic device use while at home.


Parent/Guardian(s) are responsible for signing and returning applicable forms.


Lost/stolen/damaged devices are the responsibility of the parent/guardian.


District 1480 may forgive the first accidental damage at the school administrators discretion.


It will be the parent/guardian responsibility for full replacement cost of any loss, theft, willful, negligent or intentional damage to the device. Failure to pay for the device may result in legal consequences.


III         Terms of the Device Loan


Devices and chargers will be assigned to students after this form has been signed and returned to school.


Legal ownership of the device remains  with District 1480. The use of the device is a privilege extended to the students and is conditional upon compliance with this agreement.  Responsible Use Policy and all other District 1480 policies.


All devices and chargers will be checked in at the end of the school year.  Students transferring from the school will return the device and accessories at the time of withdrawal.  Students returning to school the following year may be issued the same device.


The school reserves the right to repossess the device and accessories at any time if the student does not fully comply with the terms of the agreement.  The school may also choose to limit and/or withdraw home use privileges for failure to comply.


Failure to return the device in a timely fashion may result in the involvement of law enforcement.


The device will be subject to routine monitoring by teachers, administrators, and/or technology staff at any time.  Users should have no expectations of privacy when using District 1480 owned devices.


If technical difficulties arise with the device, or non-conforming contact is discovered, the device will be restored by the technology department.  If the technology department needs to restore the device, District 1480 will not be responsible for content added by the student such as apps, music, videos, photos, documents, etc.


The use of the device during the school day is directed by the classroom teacher.  Failure to follow instructions of the teacher may result in disciplinary action.


IV         General Care Instructions


Screens on the device should only be cleaned with a soft, clean cloth.  Chemical cleaners or liquids (including water), should not be used for any reason.


Devices must be kept in school provided cases at all times.


Students should not put weight on device.


Device should not be stacked or wedged tightly into a backpack.


Liquids, food, and other debris can damage the device and should not be near the device at all times.


Device should not be exposed to extreme temperatures.  Do not leave device in an area that would have temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit.


Battery life is shortened by using Wi-fi, Bluetooth, high screen brightness, and video.  Students should learn to manage these settings when the device is not in use to help improve battery life.


V          Security and Theft Protection


The device may ONLY be used by the student to whom the device was assigned.  The student may NOT loan the device to another student.


The student is responsible for the security of the device at all times.  When not with the student the device should be secured or stored in a locked location out of view.


Students should not put personal information on the device.  It is the responsibility of the student to keep his or her information secure.


Students/families are responsible for the replacement cost of a lost/stolen device.

VI   Damage, Theft, and Repair


Damage or hardware issues must be reported immediately to the teacher.  For instances of hardware failure or accidental damage, a loner may be provided for the students throughout the repair/replacement process.  There may be a delay if there are no loaner devices available.


Students, parents or guardians are responsible for the full cost of any loss, theft, willful, negligent or intentional damage to the device, charger, case, and device related materials.  Failure to pay for the device may result in legal consequences.


Theft or loss must be reported immediately to the school.  The school will contact law enforcement.


The device contains technology that can be activated to track and recover hardware.  The school will coordinate with law enforcement to track and locate missing technology.


Limited Expectation of Privacy


Parents/Guardians have the right to review the contents of their students' files and emails.


Parents have the right to request the termination of their students' account at any time.











Parent Signature Required


The proper use of the internet and educational value to be gained from proper internet use, is the joint responsibility of students, parents, guardians, and staff.


Permission of and supervision by school staff is required before a student may use a school account or resource to access the internet.


The Electronic Technologies Acceptable Use Agreement for students must be read and signed by the user and parent/guardian then returned to the school, it will be kept on file as long as the student is enrolled. 


All users are responsible for the protection and security of their passwords.


Should a user violate the district’s acceptable use policy, the user’s access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action may be taken and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.


The District 1480 will provide students with an individual email address required to access instructional resources. Use of student email is subject to the acceptable use policy.


Print Student Name __________________


Parent Signature_____________________


Date _________________________________


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